Pages (1 results)
TopAffiliated Faculty
ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »
Students (1 results)
Dennis Best
Dennis has focused his career on technology and sustainability policy in emerging and developing economies. His research interests include technology and innovation policy and impacts to resource and rural development, ... Continue Reading »
- Agriculture
- China
- climate
- economics
- energy
- energy policy
- environmental markets and design
- geospatial analysis
- industrial ecology
- Innovation systems
- rural development
- South East Asia and Latin America
- technology policy
Alumni (4 results)
TopEric Martinot
Wind-Generated Electric Power in the Soviet Union: Geographical and Technical Prospects (’91 MA) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Russia: Perspectives and Problems of International Technology Transfer and Investment (’95 ... Continue Reading »
- global renewable energy markets/investments/policies/future pathways
- renewable energy policy in China
- solar (sustainable) cities
Joanna Lewis
Introducing a Mandatory Market Share for Renewable Electricity Generation in China: Design Considerations and Market Implications (MA ’01) From Technology Transfer to Local Manufacturing: China’s Emergence in the Global Wind ... Continue Reading »
- energy policy in China
- international climate change policy
- low-carbon technology transfer
- renewable industry development
Jeannie Katsigris
Technology and Rural Industrialization Deep in China’s Hinterlands: A Study of Technology Transfer in Rural Industries in Qinghai Province’s Haidong Prefecture (’96 M.S.)
Donna Green
Renewable Energy Technology Systems for Remote Area Electrification in Indonesia: A Critical Review of Technology Transfer (’00 M.A.) Power Games: The Political Use of Solar Technology in Northern Thailand (04 PhD)
- climate change and equity concerns
- gender and technology issues
- globalization
- regional hierarchies and power structures
- renewable energy technology transfer especially of photovoltaic systems in Thailand
- sustainable energy use - focused in rural areas of Southeast Asia
News (1 results)
3 Generations of ERGies Converge in Delhi
November 18, 2014
UCB faculty, staff and alumni meet Dr. John Holdren at the India-US Science and Technology Summit in New Delhi.
Topics (2 results)
TopJ. Andrew McAllister
Electricity Load Management in Bolivia: Background and Prospects (’92 MS) Solar Adoption and Energy Consumption in the Residential Sector (’12 PhD)
- decentralization
- industrial processes
- renewable energy systems and applications
- rural integrated energy planning in developing countries
- technology transfer
Jeannie Katsigris
Technology and Rural Industrialization Deep in China’s Hinterlands: A Study of Technology Transfer in Rural Industries in Qinghai Province’s Haidong Prefecture (’96 M.S.)